There is not a single person in the world who was unaffected by the once-in-a- generation crisis of the last year. As we published our 2019 sustainability report in the spring of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had just begun. Our lives quickly upended, borders closed, and uncertainty prevailed. As the year progressed, we witnessed tragic loss of life and livelihoods. Thankfully, we also saw hope on the horizon through partnerships that guaranteed survival of the model of community-based conservation we have championed since our founding in 1998.
You, are dedicated partners and friends, contributed funds that made Basecamp Explorer, Naboisho Conservancy, and the wider Greater Maasai Mara prevail and prosper despite hardships. We were able to reopen our camps in August, with protective measures in place, and drove forward with our environmental and community initiatives. Sadly, at the publishing of this 2020 report, Kenya has again entered a lockdown due to rising cases of COVID-19. We hope the situation improves quickly. But rather than focus on the challenges that may lay ahead in the coming weeks and months, we’ve chosen to focus on the people, the projects, and our future as a Company and Foundation, which we believe is brighter now than ever.
Ashe Oleng! (Thank you)
Svein Wilhelmsen
Founder, Basecamp Explorer Kenya
Chair, Basecamp Explorer Foundation
This report highlights the work that our dedicated team completed while our camps were closed, including building a new borehole, which serves 500 community members between Basecamp Maasai Mara camp and Leopard Hill. We also planted 90,000 trees in our reforestation project, and have 80,000 seedlings prepared to plant in 3 plots in Pardamat Conservation Area – with plans to scale rapidly in the area and invest in a revenue generating carbon credit program.
We secured 2,863 more acres of land for the free movement of wildlife through de-fencing, bringing the total to date to 16,500 acres. This has resulted in a rapid replenishing of lions, cheetahs, and elephants in badly overgrazed yet vital parts of the Maasai Mara Ecosystem.
We also focused on expanding education programs at the newly opened Enjoolata! Centre, and drove forward with the exciting Wildlife Tourism College of Maasai Mara. Together these projects bring the youth of the Mara into conservation efforts, ensuring they continue into the next generation.
Finally, we worked to elevate our service delivery to guests and further improve awareness of and support for our current and future conservation goals. This is evidenced by our beloved head chef, Benson Ole Soit, recognized as one of the 100 top chefs in East African cuisine, and many improvements to further decrease our carbon footprint. We are also proud new members of The Long Run, a prestigious nature-based tourism organization that recognizes businesses that excel in following the highest standards of sustainability encompassing Conservation, Community, Culture, and Commerce (4Cs).
Full report
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