Basecamp Explorer Foundation
Water Catchment – Sustainablity Report May 2018
Water as a resource in the Masai Mara region is under severe threat of depletion. The indiscriminate deforestation along the Mau Hills is considered the main cause of wide river flow fluctuations. Inadequate supply of clean water causes Maasai families to experience long hours in search of water which may result in consumption of water of poor quality. Basecamp has installed a water purification system that supplies up to 100 people a day with safe drinking water safeguarding the camp and the community from waterborne diseases.
In 2017, Basecamp successfully installed 1 more borehole adding much needed storage capacity to the already existing 50,000 litre storage tanks. Additionally, Basecamp will establish better water management systems and increase awareness on the importance of water conservation amongst the staff and guests. As a long term goal and with additional funding, Basecamp intends to install a water bottling plant and a water purifying machine that can purify about 50,000 litres of water daily. The efficiency of the water catchment and storage initiative can be enhanced through the utilization of better technology to desalinate and purify the water ensuring consistent and sufficient provision of water even during the dry months of the year.
Monitoring and Evaluation of the project
To supply clean and safe drinking water to the camps and the community
Provide water storage tanks
Quantity of safe water supplied daily
Healthier community
Reduction in time spent in search of good quality water
Provision of safe drinking water and a healthier community