Norwegian artist Terje Resell got his latest inspiration when visiting Basecamp Kenya in Masai Mara. As result his exhibition will he held in Gallery Semmingsen at Tjuvholmen, Oslo. Through the sale from the exhibition, he aims raise the sum of 200,000 nok to finance a new production centre for Basecamp Maasai Brand (BMB) jewellery project.
Welcome to opening Tuesday 12.12 at 18:00 in Galleri Semmingsen, Fru Kroghs Brygge 2, Tjuvholmen, Oslo. The exhibition is open from 12-23 December 2017. Opening hours: Wednesday 11-17, Thursday 12-20, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 12-16.
The 5 specific motives cost NOK 5.000.- per piece and can be ordered at ah@gallerisemmingsen.no. Terje Resell will also show in the exhibition some older unique motives that can be bought.

Several times I have travelled to countries in the third world and been inspired by the people I have met to make pictures. Pictures which have sold well and contributed towards a decent income for me as an artist. (Read rest of the story after the motives)
For instance, my wife and I travelled on an extensive journey of study to Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger in 1991. The purpose of this journey was to study traditional adobe architecture, but it was the people who inhabited the villages that made the most important impact on me. Particularly the women who under pretty hard conditions seemed to live their lives with an impressive beauty and dignity.
Later on a journey to Burma inspired me to make a series of children’s portraits. I called these pictures «Children from a different world» and tried to communicate the sometimes earnest faces of expression of children from the third world not always knowing what to make of us.
A recommendation from Astrid Hilde Semmingsen brought us last winter to Maasai Mara Kenya with Basecamp Explorer where Svein Wilhelmsen organized visit the village of one of Basecamps own employees. The village consisted only of the husband himself with his 4 wives and numerous children. My idea was to collect inspiration from a true village, not one set up for tourists, to make pictures which could be sold to the benefit of one of Basecamps projects. Later, the idea developed into a more extensive exhibition in collaboration with Gallery Semmingsen.
An exhibition with motives from this village as well motives from my other journeys opens on December 12th. It is our hope that we, through the sale from this exhibition, shall be able to raise the sum of 200,000 nok in order to finance a new production centre for Basecamp Masai Brand (BMB) jewellery project.