The first year of a Basecamp puppy
While 12 children in Longyearbyen are looking forward to starting school this autumn, the young Basecamp-huskies are eager to start their training to become an adult sled dog. In august they had their first test run in a sled team, some of them were a natural talent, while others were still very playful.

Husky news from September 2017
We are excited to announce that seven new puppies were born at Basecamp Spitsbergen. The mother is Candy and the father is Himalaya. Are you visiting us this aurora and winter season? – If so, you can look forward to meeting them in a few weeks.
Comment if you have a good idea for names, based on following criteria:
🐕 Pick a theme that can give names to all the seven puppies
🐕 It must be easy to pronounce
🐕 International meaning
After many good suggestions the puppies from Candy and Himalaya were named: Orion, Draco, Lyra, Lupus, Ursa, Mensa and Polaris. In addition Dubai and Borneo had two puppies: Rafael and Thea.

The first year of a Basecamp puppy
After 7-10 months of growing up at Basecamp Trapper’s Station the young huskies are ready to start training for their adult life. They move into their own houses amongst the adult sled dogs. Slowly adapting to their new way of living by staying longer in their house every day.
The puppies live with their husky mother for the first three – four months after they are born. When she is ready to return to her adult life, the puppies continue living together in a large cage that gives them room to play. By now they are full of energy and their days are all about exploring the surroundings. Occasionally an adult husky joins their game to keep order and teach them good manners.

When start teaching the young huskies how to be a good sled dog, we line up a team together with calm and respected adult huskies. Our husky Dakota is one of the senior huskies used for training, and here you can see her together with Rafael. He is named after our heroic guide Rafael, and our aim is for the husky to get just as experienced as his name brother.
When the puppies are comfortable in the team set up, short trips become longer. In the future these young huskies might be in your dog sledding team as you mush over the Arctic tundra.
Find your dogsled adventure: Basecamp Explorer dogsledding