Prof. Åkerman´s arctic academic library

Professor Jonas Åkerman has done research on the nature at Kapp Linné in the Isfjord Radio area for 50 years. His lifelong collection of academic books is now brought together in an arctic academic library at Isfjord Radio Adventure Hotel. We are genuinely thankful to Åkerman´s contribution in our effort to raise awareness about the unique and vulnerable nature and wildlife in Svalbard. And we warmly welcome you in!

At the rim of the west coast of Spitsbergen you will find Isfjord Radio Adventure Hotel. Follow the signs to the “bibliotek” to get to the library, where you can sink into a unique collection of Arctic literature

There are more than 2000 books and articles in the library. If you are interested in Arctic nature, we can almost guarantee that you will find what you are looking for.

Pick a book from one of the many shelves, sit down in a comfortable chair or couch or bring the book to the living room or your own room. Our library gives guests and employees a place for knowledge and reflection.

Åkerman´s Library

Professor Jonas Åkerman at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science at Lund University in Sweden has for 50 years researched flora, fauna, climate, geology, geography and most other things that can be observed and studied in the nature around Isfjord Radio at Kapp Linné in Svalbard. In his academic library you can study flowers, weather and climate, rocks and mountains, vegetation, mammals and birds, permafrost, human influence on nature and much, much more.

Through his studies, Åkerman has collected valuable and relevant literature, and in 2019 Åkerman gave his entire invaluable library to Basecamp Explorer. Together with Åkerman, we have unpacked books and papers and furnished a cozy library that is always open. Everyone who visits us at Isfjord Radio can freely borrow and read all the books, and eventually also scientific re-prints, maps, air photos and other documents collected over 50 years.


The books and re-prints cover the following topics

Physical geography

Svalbard Varia
Isfjord Radio
Svalbard History


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