Khai Jun
Khai F. Jun originally comes from East Malaysia. Khai was talking to his American cousin when the topic of a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean named Svalbard came up.
– My cousin had lived here on Svalbard earlier and told me how beautiful the place is. After the conversation Svalbard was always on my mind. In early 2017 I took the most important decision of my life to move to the archipelago as I was fascinated by the beauty of Svalbard and I wanted to see it for myself, says Khai. He works prepare breakfast and do cleaning at Basecamp Hotel.
– When I landed at the airport in Longyearbyen, I had already fallen head over heels. It has been five years since I moved here and during the years I have worked in several hotels and restaurants.
The reason why Khai still want to live in Svalbard is because of the nature and the feeling of calmness and safety in the north. The fresh air and beautiful landscape is also a main factor for staying.
– My life in Svalbard is pretty perfect. I experience a lot of things that would not be found in Malaysia, such as freezing cold weather, blizzards, months without sun, months with the midnight sun, wild reindeers and polar bears, the Northern Lights and so much more.