Generous and Enthusiastic Hospitality at Nordenskiöld Lodge

Marta Paludetto and Giorgia Vezzani will be accompanied by Idefix and Capitano (Alaskan huskies) at Nordenskiöld Lodge during the summer. Photo: Giorgia Vezzani

From northern Italy to the far north of Norway, Giorgia Vezzani and Marta Paludetto are this summer’s hosts at Nordenskiöld Lodge. These two hospitable ladies bring both Arctic knowledge and Italian enthusiasm to our guests at the world’s northernmost commercial cabin.

“The cabin has a completely raw location, surrounded by the best of Svalbard. The wildlife, the icy blue Nordenskiöld glacier, the mountains, the sea, and the ever-changing light… The minimalist lifestyle in the wilderness, without running water or electricity, appeals and motivates us. We look forward to sharing this gem with our guests,” says Marta. Together with Giorgia, she ensures that guests have unforgettable experiences in the heart of Billefjorden.

In the midle of nowhere. Surrounded by the mighty wilderness. Nordenskiöld Lodge.

Planning for the summer months at Nordenskiöld Lodge started several months ago. Giorgia, who has a doctorate in gastronomy, has meticulously developed the menus to be served, with ingredients carefully selected and sourced locally. Giorgia has also made sure that Italian delicacies grace the table. Everything must be transported by boat from Longyearbyen, leaving no room for wastage or wrong purchases.

“We are in the middle of the polar bear’s kingdom, so we cannot stockpile fresh food. Fortunately, we receive regular supplies from Longyearbyen. We also source water from the glacier. Every day we collect glacier ice, which becomes the clearest drinking water,” explains Marta.

Safety at Nordenskiöld Lodge is always the highest priority. The staff take turns being polar bear guards, and no guests are allowed to leave the cabin without being accompanied by one of the guards. Marta is a qualified Arctic nature guide and a nurse. This winter, she has been a dog guide for Basecamp Explorer in Svalbard.

The hosts meet guests at the cabin in front of Nordenskiöldbreen, where they are transported to the beach in a small rubber boat. Over the next few days, Giorgia, Marta, and the guides ensure that the experiences in and around the cabin provide lifelong memories. They like to light the fire pan and the sauna stove, serve morning coffee on the terrace with a view of the glacier, and share knowledge about fascinating Svalbard. After kayaking or hiking on glaciers and mountains, guests can look forward to Giorgia’s culinary creations. Giorgia is an adventurous cook who has fallen in love with the changing Arctic light through the seasons.

“I don’t think I’ll miss civilization these summer months. Maybe I’ll miss music, but with Italians in the cabin, there will be plenty of noise anyway,” smiles Marta.

We are delighted that our guests are in the very best hands at Nordenskiöld Lodge this summer.

More about our adventures at Nordenskiöld Lodge here.


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