Summer Season
When is the summer season on Spitsbergen?
Summer season starts from the beginning of June, and continues until the end of August. From late May until mid June there can still be quite a lot of snow in the valleys and mountains around Longyearbyen. Further north, on the other side of Isfjorden, the winter season for skiing and dog sledding can extend to June.
Summer season on Spitsbergen
Meltwater from the mountains and glaciers keeps the terrain quite wet thoughout the summer. Towards the autumn both the tundra and the rivers are starting to dry, and this is normally the best season for longer hiking trips. September is usually a very good autumn month in which you can still do all the summer activities. Normally the first snowfall comes sometime in October. Midnight sun shines thoughout the whole summer season until 23rd of August and, especially for photographers, the first sunsets in August are absolutely marvelous to shoot.